the present, the future, and the past

Sunday, 3 August 2008


Tree, originally uploaded by Adnan Yahya.

I love this pic.

Saturday, 12 July 2008

Guildhall And High Street - Bath

Guildhall And High Street, originally uploaded by sunface13.

a view of the city centre...

I used to walk along these streets - going to college and back.. brings back old memories. How I miss the city!

City of Bath

Bath landscape, originally uploaded by Manav Gupta.

this is the city that I love, and yearn to visit again, one day..

Bath at night

pools, originally uploaded by incidental music.

reminds me of my days in the city..


Oviedo, originally uploaded by S. Lo.

this must be one of the most beautiful photographs of town houses/buildings that I've ever seen!

Taj Hotel: Mumbai

Taj Hotel: Mumbai, originally uploaded by babasteve.

great architecture, great lighting, lovely shot

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Clovelly (North Devon) vs The Atlantic Ocean

i'd love to live here! no vehicles in this lovely old town!

Up-Along, Clovelly, North Devon

Up-Along, Clovelly, North Devon, originally uploaded by ukjc07.

love this!

how i'd love to live in one of these streets...

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Star King #8 - Five Year Old Blind Genius Pianist (en)

this is unbelievable. I can't help crying looking at this little genius!

Friday, 21 March 2008


Souzhou, originally uploaded by Gunnella.



lamp, originally uploaded by S. Lo.

oh how I love this !

growing old together, in happiness..

., originally uploaded by miss pris.

love to see old couples happy together.. (though this picture has a sad story to it... the old man died recently)


sheahnee_conversion_009, originally uploaded by shutupyourface.

a true Malaysian..

....and then he kissed her...

....and then he kissed her..., originally uploaded by Trapac.

ah... memories.. of Bath.. the Royal Crescent, Rivers Street, college, .. blissful years

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

attributes of successful entrepreneurs

some useful insight
clipped from
the best entrepreneurs were open minded and had good judgment. He contrasted that with failed entrepreneurs who were stubborn and had bad judgment. Paul stated that while having bad judgment could be a handicap for an entrepreneur
Startup success requires confidence but not certainty.
board meetings shouldn't be about certainty. The should be about confidence. The confidence to hear what other smart people have to say. The confidence to listen. The confidence to stand firm on things you believe are critical to the success of your company. And the confidence to change your position when clearer minds prevail. Like great Presidents, the best CEOs will have the character and the confidence to lead while listening. It isn't easy. But it can mean the difference between success and failure.
clipped from
iterative failure ("ready, shoot, aim!") is likely a better strategy.
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the present, the future, and the past